Pop quiz: The bigger your muscles are, the stronger you are…right?
Wrong! According to the National Institute of Health, there is increasing evidence that muscle mass and volume are poor predictors of muscle strength and physical performance. Muscle and bone density are better indicators for overall strength than bulky muscles.
Denser muscles also do a better job supporting joints and bones, which is important not only for improving physical performance but also protecting against falls and fractures. And one of the best ways to increase muscle density–and bone density–is through osteogenic loading. But what exactly is osteogenic loading?
Basically, osteogenic loading is the stress put on the musculoskeletal system that results from high-impact activities like gymnastics, sprinting, jumping (more than 48), and power-lifting (lifting 3-5 times your body weight). These types of impacts compress the bone matrix and trigger cells to assimilate more calcium and other minerals, increasing bone density and strengthening the surrounding muscles, making them denser not bigger.
The correct amount of force pressure necessary to stimulate osteogenesis, or bone growth, is called the “force-load.” The force load is typically calculated in multiples of body weight (MOB). For instance, to stimulate osteogenesis in the femur and hip requires a minimum force load of 4.2 times a person’s body weight.
At OsteoStrong Palm Desert, our proprietary, scientifically engineered devices put into practice this principle of osteogenic loading. In fact, each machine calibrates the amount of force pressure and intensity necessary to trigger bone growth and increase muscle density based on each individual’s MOB and records these results on-screen.
Bottom line: Osteogenic loading can improve bone and muscle strength, mobility, stability, and balance. OsteoStrong Palm Desert can deliver these results (based on your physiology and contraindications) more safely and effectively than high- impact activities that come with a risk of injury.
For a complimentary session call 760-850-2166.