HomeDesert InsiderRevolutionary Echolight Bone Scan Event

Revolutionary Echolight Bone Scan Event

Exclusively at OsteoStrong Palm Desert

As the Coachella Valley’s leader in natural bone health solutions, OsteoStrong Palm Desert is proud to host our second Echolight Bone Scan special event Thursday, February 27 – Saturday, March 1, 2025. Echolight, the brand name for REMS technology, is considered better, safer, faster, and more accurate than a DXA scan. This Echolight event is exclusive to OsteoStrong Palm Desert.

Why Choose REMS?

1. Advanced Technology:

REMS (Radiofrequency Echographic Multi-Spectrometry) by Echolight is a revolutionary, non-invasive ultrasound technology that provides precise bone density and quality measurements. Unlike traditional DXA scans, REMS is radiation-free, making it a safer option for frequent monitoring.

2. Comprehensive Insights:

Get more than just bone density. REMS assessment

includes not only a measurement of the outer, cortical layer of bone density (measured in T-score and Z-score like a DXA scan) but also a fragility score for the inner, trabecular core giving you a more comprehensive look at bone architecture.

3. Instant Results:

Walk away with a detailed report immediately after your scan. No waiting for results!

4. Ideal for Everyone:

Whether you’re managing osteoporosis, osteopenia, or simply want to stay proactive about your bone health. Track your progress and gain valuable insights into your bone health trajectory.

Approved by the American Medical Association, Echolight may be eligible for reimbursement through Medicare using the CPT code 0815T.

Our last Echolight event sold out. Reserve your spot today by visiting osteostrongpalmdesert.com.

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Delbert E. Webb born May 17, 1899 was a brilliant, innovative, visionary and risk taker who always knew how to get things done better....