HomeDesert InsiderKnow The Signs of a Stroke

Know The Signs of a Stroke

Jim Foudy (Pictured in the back 2nd from the left) is heavily involved with the SCPD Stroke Survivors Support Group, which provides connection, education and encouragement for those affected by strokes.

After experiencing his own unexpected stroke, Jim found a renewed purpose in supporting others. “I found great joy in doing that,” he reflects. Despite losing interest in passions like travel and painting, he discovered strength in helping fellow survivors. His wife, Judy, a nurse, has been by his side, guiding him through the emotional and physical challenges of recovery.

Their advice is simple yet impactful: Jim encourages others to stay active and engaged in the community, while Judy stresses the importance of recognizing stroke symptoms early and seeking immediate help. Both credit Sun City’s recreational centers and their children’s support in maintaining their quality of life.

To recognize the warning signs of a stroke, remember the acronym BE FAST, and take immediate action:

• B: (Balance) Be watchful for a sudden loss of balance.
• E: (Eyes) Look out for sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes. Are they experiencing double vision?
• F: (Face) Ask the person to smile. Look for a droop on one or both sides of their face, which is a sign of muscle weakness or paralysis.
• A: (Arms) Ask them to raise their arms. If they have a one- sided weakness (and didn’t have it before), one arm will stay higher while the other will sag and drop downward.
• S: (Speech) Strokes often cause a person to lose their ability to speak. They might slur their speech or have trouble choosing the right words.
• T: Time is critical, so don’t wait to get help! Call 9-1-1 right away and if possible, look at your watch or a clock and remember when symptoms started.

The SCPD Stroke Survivors Support Group meet in the Silverwood Room at the Lakeview Clubhouse in Sun City Palm Desert at 1p.m. on the second Monday of each month.