How did the ornament get addicted to Christmas?
He was hooked on trees his whole life.
What did Frosty’s girlfriend give him when she was mad at him?
The cold shoulder.
Why did Rudolph have to attend summer school?
Because he went down in history.
Why do reindeer like Beyoncé so much?
She sleighs.
Why are Christmas trees so fond of the past?
Because the present’s beneath them.
How do Christmas trees get their email?
They log-on.
Who is Santa’s favorite singer?
What do they sing to Christmas trees at their retirement parties?
Fir he’s a jolly good fellow, fir he’s a jolly good fellow!
Who delivers presents to baby sharks at Christmas?
Santa Jaws.
What kind of motorcycle does Santa ride?
A Holly Davidson.
How much does it cost to run Santa’s sleigh?
Eight bucks, or nine if the weather is bad.