Coachella Valley Water District has begun construction on a project that will protect homes and land in North Indio from regional flooding.
The North Indio Regional Flood Control Project is a 2.5 mile long series of concrete flood control channels. They will connect with existing channels starting in Sun City Palm Desert and take flows through North Indio to channels in Sun City Shadow Hills that connect to the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel.
By removing about 2,700 acres of land within North Indio from a FEMA-designated Special Flood Hazard Area, area residents will no longer be required to obtain flood insurance.
This is the largest project in CVWD history. At 110.2 million dollars, this project has a projected completion date of summer 2024. The prime construction contractor is Sukut Construction, LLC.
When completed, the North Indio project will allow for construction and connection of other stormwater facilities that will provide regional flood protection to Thousand Palms and north Cathedral City.
Minimal to no interruptions in water service are expected. Typical construction hours are from 7:00am to 3:30pm Monday through Friday during the course of the project. Work schedule and hours could change due to emergencies, weather, and unexpected construction constraints.
CVWD has initiated a comprehensive plan to notify residents and property owners about road closures, detours and any effects of the project on their property via postcards, notes, newsletters or door hangers.
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Leave a message with questions and comments at 760-392-4008. Calls will be returned as soon as possible.
The Coachella Valley Water District is a public agency governed by a five-member board of directors. The district provides domestic and irrigation water, agricultural drainage, wastewater treatment and reclamation services, regional stormwater protection, groundwater management and water conservation. It serves approximately 108,000 residential and business customers across 1,000 square miles, located primarily in Riverside County, but also in portions of Imperial and
San Diego counties.