During this season, many of our citrus fruits ripen, and with so many of us having backyard citrus trees, a morning grapefruit or tall glass of fresh-squeezed orange juice is often just steps away from the breakfast table. Unfortunately, many of these fruits never make it to harvest, falling to the ground where they become food for pests, especially roof rats and insects.
Roof rat populations surge during the citrus harvest season because food is so abundant. If you’ve noticed large holes in your oranges or grapefruit, it’s likely the work of roof rats, which hollow out the fruit to feast on the seeds rich in niacin—a nutrient they consume in large quantities. The more fruit trees you have, the higher the chance you’ll spot these unwelcome visitors in your yard. Roof rats prefer to stay close to citrus trees and often seek shelter in attics, using them as safe spaces to hide and breed. If tree branches are too close to your roofline, you’re practically inviting these critters to climb up and make their way inside.
Lee Flores, owner of Pestology, majored in biology and has a passion for the science behind pest control. “It’s truly a science,” Lee explains. “Pest control expertise stems from an intricate balance between understanding how to manage pests and rodents, all while considering environmental factors and human habitat safety.”
Lee strongly recommends Pestology’s recurring services for your home to protect your comfort and property value from infestations. Pestology’s year-round preventative service is crucial to ensuring that no uninvited guests invade and damage your property. Prevention is key before a rodent problem gets out of control. While rodents are a year-round issue, this season is the most important time to make sure you have a pest control plan in place.
Visit www.pestologypestcontrol.com for more info and call Lee at Pestology today at (760) 902-4114 to get started for as low as $38 a month!