What is Neuropathy? Peripheral neuropathy is nerve malfunction generally of the feet, legs, and hands. Symptoms are numbness, tingling, tightness, burning and discomfort.
How does this work? Our Sanexas neoGEN® Electric cell-Signaling Treatment (EcST) is FDA cleared and covered by Medicare with a PPO supplement. Electrostimulation pads apply to symptomatic areas on the skin and electrostimulation is provided to the deep tissue where nerves live. The treatment helps repair and restore small nerve fibers.
What should I expect? First, you will meet with our Nurse Practitioner to make sure this is a good fit for you. Then you will settle down in one of our overstuffed comfy recliners. You can enjoy a TV program, a cup of tea or coffee and our Nurse will begin your 30 minute treatment.
What is the schedule? It is best if we see you twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, for a series of 24 treatments.
Who is eligible? Patients who have been diagnosed with neuropathy and pain.
If you have Medicare and a PPO secondary insurance your treatments should be covered for you, or you can pay privately.
Best Pain Care Centers is located in the heart of Indian Wells, at 45-210 Club Drive, Indian Wells. Call for an appointment 760-565-6700