HomeDesert InsiderPlanet Solar: When the Grid Fails, We Deliver

Planet Solar: When the Grid Fails, We Deliver

Recently, I’ve been sent email warnings from both PG&E and SCE about power outages and Critical Peak Pricing due to the ongoing heatwave. These alerts highlight the fragility of our grid. While most of us can endure a few hours without power, the real concern arises when outages extend for days or weeks. With a severe shortage of transformers, restoring power could take much longer than expected.

Portable generators are a common backup option, but they come with their own challenges—fuel storage, noise, and the need for constant refueling. A quieter, cleaner, & more reliable option is a solar system with a battery backup. This system ensures that as long as the sun shines, your home stays powered, regardless of how long the utility outage lasts. A backup battery can even be added to your existing solar system.

As an industry insider, I invested in solar with a battery backup system 10 years ago because I knew the risks we faced. That was before everyone was trying to charge their car from the grid, give that some thought. With the added strain from electric vehicles, the grid is even more vulnerable. Investing in a solar battery backup might be the best decision to protect your home and family during extended outages.

You need to ask yourself, “if the power is out for a week, all the food is spoiled and I’m in the dark, what would I be willing to spend to not have this happen to me?”

For more information, please reach out to us. We’re here to help.

Dennis Cox, CEO- Planet Solar

For a free estimate visit www.planetsolar.com or call 760-341-1413.