Stretch zone offers a revolutionary approach to improving range of motion and flexibility. Our patented strapping system on proprietary tables is designed to isolate and stabilize muscles, helping to adjust stretch reflexes and help your nervous system to achieve optimal results. Our Stretch Zone Method™ allows clients to sit back and receive the full benefits of a practitioner-assisted stretching session. To customize the session based on the individual, the certified practitioner will ask about past injuries, as well as personal flexibility goals.
Stretch zone uses a numerical rating system with clients to gauge stretch intensity. Practitioners communicate with clients using a 3, 5, or 7 intensity scale for every stretch. Within the system, three is a light stretch, five is a mild stretch, and seven is a deep stretch. But even at seven, the client should never feel any discomfort. Intensity Scales and tempo protocols establish a critical baseline for your stretching experience, while ensuring the maximum outcome without compromising, safety and comfort.
While traditional stretching methods attempt to make you more “flexible,” we work to adjust the stretch reflex. This way, the Stretch Zone Method™ gradually increases your active range of motion.
Consider how a car seatbelt works. If pulled too quickly, the belt locks. If the belt is forced, you are just stretching the material itself, and that’s when injury happens. When a car seatbelt is pulled smoothly and controlled, the belt will extend. It’s the same with your body‘s stretch reflex.
Fast facts:
• By leveraging Stretch Zones’s patented strapping system on proprietary tables, practitioners can properly stabilize muscles that aren’t being stretched and focus on muscles they want to stretch.
• The primary objectives of our practitioners are to adjust the stretch reflex, increase active range of motion, and work within the nervous system to reestablish a more ideal resting muscle tone.
• Feel lighter and younger
• Relieve stiffness and soreness
• Enhance athletic performance
• Increase and maintain range of motion
• Enhance physical and athletic skills
For more information call us today at 760-565-6091